Our Hall

Welcome to our enchanting hall, where art and creativity merge to create a unique atmosphere. The decor and design have been personally overseen by Susanna Briata, who has added her artistic touch to every corner of our facility. Here, every detail is an artwork in itself, from lamps designed and decorated by hand, to customized bottles, tapestries, chairs, and tables unique in their kind.

Music and Entertainment

For those who love music, we provide a piano and an electric guitar, inviting you to express your musical creativity or simply relax with the notes of talented guests. Our hall is often enlivened by the music of our clients, contributing to a welcoming and vibrant atmosphere.

An Art Library

For art and culture enthusiasts, we offer a wide selection of art catalogs and books to read and browse. You can immerse yourself in the beauty of contemporary art and discover new inspirations within the pages of authorial works.

A Unique Art Collection

Our hall hosts an extraordinary collection of modern art that has its roots in the 1960s thanks to Mr. Giulio Zani, and we have continued to enrich it over time. Paintings by famous artists, often our friends, adorn the walls and tell unique stories. Each piece is a testament to the friendship between the hotel and the art world.

We are proud to share with you this extraordinary artistic and creative exhibition in our hall. It is a place where art comes to life, music resounds, and ideas take shape. We invite you to explore and be inspired by this unique setting during your stay at Hotel Rovereto.


Welcome to Hotel Rovereto

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Welcome to our hall

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Some details of our hall

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